When you think of the holidays you probably picture yummy treats and fun holiday festivities with friends and family. While those are great Christmas pastimes, it is also important to focus on your health this holiday season.

December is somewhat of a reflective time—you can look back on the year thus far and make plans to have a more prosperous future. We suggest that, in your reflection, you recall past health practices and look toward improvement in the new year.

A balanced diet and exercise are key components to a healthy lifestyle. Even small, incremental changes can help you in your health journey in 2022. Consider signing up for a gym membership or looking up new healthy recipes to get you started.

Diet and exercise are two pillars of good health, but if you want to maintain and even improve your health in the future, there are other steps you can take. Regularly visiting your physician is a great way to stay on top of mental and physical changes. Always make sure to schedule your basic yearly appointments and talk to your doctor if anything out of the ordinary pops up.

Finally, rest is essential to a healthy mind and body. Even people who live a healthy lifestyle often forget this vital component. Rest allows us to recuperate our brains and bodies for the day ahead—so make sure you are getting enough sleep and scheduling out blocks of your day for down-time.

Stones River Regional Independent Physician Association is honored to be able to aid you in your health journey this holiday season and in the New Year. You can view a full directory of doctors at this link: https://stonesriveripa.com/directory/